TOTEX: Efficiency, Reliability & Optimisation
The Water Industry’s focus on TOTEX became more prominent with the start of AMP 6 and created a move away from the traditional operational and capital expenditure model. One of the main drivers is to remove the perceived bias towards capital expenditure. TOTEX offers the better approach because it supports a focus on the most “cost effective solution” over the whole life of an asset. For pumping systems TOTEX can be reduced by improvements in both efficiency and reliability and by optimisation of the process. TOTEX encompasses both CAPEX and OPEX solutions. CSD Sealing Systems UK are well positioned to support this approach through it's innovative products.
The main benefits of CSD's range of products include:
No deterioration in performance for more than 50 years
Ensures ATEX & WIMES compliance
Provides flood protection - from front and back of seal
Provides long term support to cables
Easy and cost effective to maintain